VR Simulator Crane Training

What is VR?

VR stands for “Virtual Reality”. Virtual Reality is a computer-generated system that immerses the user into a virtual world using a headset, sensors, and controllers. This virtual world is remarkably similar to real life.

Our virtual reality Training is a digital simulation of lifelike scenarios for the purposes of training users with the skills necessary to operate cranes with a standard high enough for New York City construction.

Users at our training center will enter a complete 360° construction environment where they will be sitting in the virtual cab of the crane of their choosing. Users will experience the sounds, vibrations, motions, and sights they would if they were in a crane cab in real life. Using the headsets and controllers’, users will fully interact with their virtual environment in a free manner that engages 4 of the 5 senses.

Why is it useful to train with a VR simulator?

Training to operate a crane using Virtual Reality has many benefits:

  • Gaining experience without the high cost of renting a crane to practice.
  • Use equipment dedicated to training and skill development.
  • Save time by not having to wait for your turn in a real crane cab.
  • You do not have to wait until the sun is up, train when it’s dark out.
  • Practice as many times as you need, on any crane you like.
  • Choose what type of crane you want to drive from a full catalogue.
  • See real time data and analytics on your session immediately.
  • Build a profile to show to your employers your performance progression.

Who uses this training?

Our VR crane simulators can be used by effectively anyone. There is no prerequisite for experience required. This system is valuable to users on their first time experiencing operating a crane, either in VR or real life, all the way up to experienced crane operators who have held a crane license for many years.

VR allows for some practical operating experience in certain potential dangerous scenarios. Weather related events, mechanical failures, and site-specific complications all make safe and efficient crane operation an extreme challenge. No one wants their operator’s first experience with any of these potential hazards to come in the middle of the job that is why the use of VR to train for these events is perfect.

This is a training strategy that breaks through the traditional training trade-off, and provides effective training in a safe, cost-effective, and controlled environment

Below are some examples of reasons why you should train with VR:

  • To improve your crane operating skills.
  • To show your live and updated performance progression.
  • To get a chance to operate multiple types of cranes without having to rent one or many.
  • If you do not know how to start your career training in crane operating.
  • To upskill your current skill level and get licensed to operate a new crane.
  • To get real time results on operating capabilities that are in alignment with NCCCO exam.
  • See real time data and analytics on your session immediately.
  • If you are interested to learn to be a crane operator with no experience.

Where we see the future of Crane training.

We are really living in the 21st century now, advancing technology is at the heart of almost every industry.
According to studies published in the Harvard Business Review, Over the past year, especially with the Covid-19 pandemic there has been an increasing need for virtual training applications. Thus, VR is increasingly being used by companies to help train employees to do their jobs.

However, it not a new phenomenon, it has been used for decades now to train professionals that require learning physical procedures such as soldiers, astronauts, surgeons… and now crane operators.

Studies show that “people learn best by doing and by getting feedback when they make a mistake”. Which is exactly why companies that train workers to operate cranes are moving towards VR. Our system for training models how people best learn.

Studies show that “people learn best by doing and by getting feedback when they make a mistake”. Which is exactly why companies that train workers to operate cranes are moving towards VR. Our system for training models how people best learn.

Structure compliance is leading the way for the construction industry in NYC. We are the first independently owned construction company currently training workers via Virtual Reality.

Scroll up to our ‘case studies’ section to read about experiments and studies that are looking into the possibility of virtual reality effectively supplementing or replacing the performance test by the NCCCO. This performance test must be passed and approved by the NCCCO before a worker can get their license.

Media of simulator

Tower Crane VR Sim

Overhead/Gantry Crane w/BellyBox Set-Up Video

Rough Terrain Crane Operator VR Sim

RTC Mobile Crane VR Sim

Mobile Crane – Z-Corridor Walk Through

Carry Deck VR Sim

OHC/Gantry Crane VR Sim

Mobile Crane – Catching the Load

ITI VR – Unleash the Cranes

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